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Dokusai Dilemma is a minigame from the game Doraemon Wii: Secret Tool King Tournament. Hence its name, it uses the dangerous Dictator Switch.


Every round, players try to press the correct button that is on their Wii Remote quickly. If a character presses a button too late, the corresponding character is destroyed by the Dictator Switch. This continues until there is a single person standing, at which point that character becomes the winner.

Names in other languages[]

  • EspaƱol:
    • Castillano: El Dilema Interruptorus Dokusayus (The Dokusai Switch's Dilemma)
    • Other variations: El Conondro Interruptorus Dictatorus (The Conundrum of the Dictator's Switch)
  • PortuguĆ©s: O Dilema Chaves Dictatoros (The Dictator's Switch's Dilema)