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Doraemon Wiki
Episode depicted in this article is from 2005 anime.

Doraemon's Everywhere is an episode from the Doraemon 2005 anime. This episode is called Doraemon, Doraemon, Everywhere in the U.S. English version/dub.


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This section contains details concerning the progression of the plot, namely its result. If you do not want it to be spoiled for you, skip this section!

Nobita treats Doraemon to dorayaki, a snack that he likes. Nobita asks him to finish off his homework that has been carried over from two to three days. So as not to disturb Doraemon, he sleeps at the corridor outside his room. Nobita sleeps peacefully, oblivious to the events that happened in the room.

The next day he wakes up and finds the room in a complete wreckage, and beaten-up Doraemon, deprived of his sleep finishing Nobita's homework. Nobita travels back in time to find out what happened during his sleep, and learns Doraemon had went to seek himself two hours; four hours; six hours and eight hours into the future for help. Doraemon is beaten up by his future selves as they were previously, after they finish the homework and they went back to their original timelines. Pleased that the homework is finally done, he goes to sleep, but is awakened by himself from the past twice, who takes him inside the drawer to finish the same homework. It is then that he realized that he will be taken away for two more times. Afraid, he hides in the wardrobe where Nobita is, but is taken away yet again after hearing Doraemon 6 hours from the past saying he won't get to finish his homework without it by throwing him out of Doraemon's bedroom and called Nobita a "traitor". Hours passed by, Nobita is half tired and thinks to himself how did the room becomes so messy.

Suddenly, Doraemon arrives again, pausing Nobita and slowly turns his head into the drawer. An angry tired zombie Doraemon started chasing after Nobita for betraying him few hours ago, also the process running along the corridor where Nobita is still in his sleep. He goes inside Doraemon's bedroom, but zombie Doraemon breaks the door by barging into him, causing Nobita to scream in fear and goes to the corner. As soon he is about to get charged from zombie Doraemon, Doraemon 8 hours from the past stops him and takes him away to the Time Machine to do the homework for the last time. To express his remorse the next day, Nobita treats Doraemon to dorayaki, but Doraemon runs away, thinking that he will be tricked to do homework again.




  • This is the first time the episode doesn't include Nobita's friends: Shizuka, Suneo and Gian
  • It is unknown how their parents, Tamako, Nobisuke Nobi, and sleeping Nobita didn't hear any sounds from upstairs that Nobita and Doraemon made. Cartoon logic.


  • When the camera zooms out at the messy room while Nobita is panting, the door hole that Doraemon broke is smaller like the size of his hand.