Doraemon Wiki

Emoll is one of the main characters that Kuroemon faces off against in Dorabase. He is both the captain and pitcher for his team known as the Akane Flyers. He has several pitching specials all centered around various dragonfly themes like the "red dragonfly ball". Although he is the pitcher for his team he has exceptional batting skill and even has a batting special known as the "hitsatsu dragonfly."

In the Kabuto Mushi Cup arc, Emoll faces off against Kuroemon or Kuro for short and his team of the Edogawa Doras. It is there that his owner Gagne tells him that if he is to lose against his team he will never be allowed to play baseball again. However, despite losing to his team Gagne has a change of heart and allows Emoll to continue playing baseball.
