Doraemon Wiki
The episode depicted in this article is from 1979 anime.
Goods Fortune Teller
1979 anime series
Handmade Toys
Mole-type Speaker
Hokuro-gata supīkā
General Information
Broadcast by TV Asahi
Anime series 1979
Broadcast date February 22, 1991
Season 13
Episode number 1117
Doraemon Gian, In Love
Episode Guide

Mole-type Speaker is an episode from the 1979 series.


Nobita arrives to the vacant lot, where Suneo calls out to him. He asks Suneo what's going on and Suneo informs Gian, who's sitting on the tubes with his back facing them, that Nobita arrived. Gian gives a paper ordering Suneo to tell Nobita for him, causing Suneo to snicker. Nobita begins to think it's funny and asks what's going on. Gian then gives another paper to Suneo which frightens him and he regains his composure. Suneo then whispers to Nobita on what Gian wanted to say: Gian has a crush on a girl he saw in a park. This surprises Nobita and he laughs at the sheer thought of Gian having a crush, causing Gian to shake in anger. Suneo tells Nobita that it's serious and Gian wants to befriend the girl but doesn't have the guts to go to her. Nobita states that he understands how Gian feels, while Suneo jokes that if the girl goes to Gian, she would scared of his violent nature and run away. Nobita agrees that Gian's desire is ridiculous and they both begin to laugh. This causes Gian to lose his temper and he beats up Nobita and Suneo and orders them to come back in an hour with a plan.

Nobita dejectly walks back home, thinking on how any girl would ever befriend Gian. He tells the story to Doraemon, who also begins to laugh at the thought. Nobita snaps at him and asks him to help fufil Gian's request of wanting to get to know the girl's name, interests, and location. Doraemon asks him how Gian knows this girl and Nobita tells him that one day when they were in the park, Suneo took a photo where the girl was in the background. He shows Doraemon the photo and Doraemon tells him that they need to get a full body potrait of the girl and decides to help to avoid getting beaten up by Gian. Nobita asks him how he's going to get the full potrait and Doraemon takes out a gadget: the All Purpose Printer. He inserts the photo into the gadgets and begins to remove the foreground to show the full potrait of the girl who also has a pet dog. Doraemon explains that the girl will probably show up in the park with her dog and suggests that Gian take Muku with him to the park and then meet the girl. Nobita agrees stating that if Gian meets the girl that way they'd be able to strike a conversation and become friends that way since they both own pets. However, he states that there's another problem and that's that Gian doesn't know how to talk properly and is afraid that he might mess up the conversation. In response, Doraemon takes out another gadget: the Mole-type Speaker and Microphone. By puting the mole in the face on the user and letting another user use the microphone, the latter can say things that the former couldn't. Doraemon demonstrates this by placing the mole on Nobita's cheek and then uses the speaker to say things which comes out of Nobita's mouth. Nobita is impressed and agrees to use the gadget to help Gian.

Back in the vaccant lot, Nobita explains to Gian and Suneo about the plan. Gian asks if the plan will be successful and Suneo assures him it'll be fine and he will speak for him since he's a very good speaker. Gian is excited and agrees with the plan. He goes back home and brings Muku out, who's afraid of him and tries to come up with an excuse that it's going to rain soon. Gian doesn't buy it and they all decide to go to the park. At the park, Suneo looks at his watch and deduces that the girl should arrive any second now. Nobita suggests to Gian to walk in the park for awhile until the girl shows up, and they'll be behind him to help out. Gian agrees and tries to take Muku for a walk, but Muku starts peeing everywhere and is more interested in eating stuff from the trash can, causing Gian to bonk his head and take him by force. As they follow Gian, Suneo begins to get impatient and decides to rest in the bench, telling Nobita to call him when the girl arrives, much to Nobita's annoyance.

Soon enough the girl arrives and Gian begins to feel nervous, wondering where Suneo might be. He decides to go near the girl while waiting for Suneo, and Nobita, noticing that the girl arrived, decides to speak for Gian as he feels that if he went to get Suneo, it would be too late. Hiding in a bush, Nobita begins to rehearse with the microphone causing Gian to question what he's saying. Regaining composure, Nobita begins to speak to the girl that her dog is lovely and he actually likes dogs very much. The girl gets intersted and tells Gian that Muku looks very strong, while Muku begins to growl at the girl's dog. She then asks Gian what's his dog's name and Nobita was about to say Muku but changes it to Benji, which surprises the girl as her dog's name is also Benji and Benji begins to growl at Muku. Nobita, caught off guard, says that he has an idea to call Gian's dog Big Benji and her dog Small Benji, but the girl states the she doesn't like that idea and begins to feel uncomfortable. Seeing no way out, Nobita decides to go and find Suneo to help him out. Meanwhile, Benji and Muku get into a fight, causing the girl to look away in terror and Gian jumps into the fight to try and stop them. As Nobita arrives to the bench, he finds that Suneo is not there and calls out to him. Suneo in turn calls out to Nobita, revealing that he's in the public bathroom, and asks him if the girl already arrived. Nobita exclaims that she did and tells him to hurry up as their meeting is turning really badly. Meanwhile, the dog fight ends with Benji completely beaten up and the girl rushes to its care while Gian looks on horrified. The girl gets angry on Gian for starting the fight, calls him a horrible person, and runs off crying with Benji. Gian tries to stop her and apologize, but the girl continues to run in tears, declaring that she never wants to see his face ever again, causing Gian's heart to break into pieces. Gian then sits on a bench, agonizing over losing a potential friend and love interest.

Meanwhile, back in Nobita's house, Doraemon assumes that the date between Gian and the girl is going well and decides to go and check on them. Back in the park, Gian notices a paper that says "Wet paint" and realizes that the bench he's sitting in contains wet paint. He tries to get off the bench, but he's already stuck and after many attempts, falls down with the bench on his back. Just then, a little girl shows up and asks what he's doing. Elsewhere, Suneo and Nobita exit the bathroom and Suneo takes the mic to help Gian out, both of them unaware that the girl has already dumped Gian. Suneo begins to say that he always wanted to be friends with the girl, but the little girl states that Gian is too old for him and walks off with Doraemon arriving and looking disapointed. Gian wonders why Nobita and Suneo didn't say this at the right time and Suneo starts to ask for the girl's phone number so that they can meet up and play together. Gian then begins to cry for help and to stop these shenanigans, while Doraemon looks on, stating that he knew this was going to happen.


Gadgets Used[]


  • In the 2005 adaptation, the girl is named Minami. However in this adaptation, she does not have a name.
  • Unlike the 2005 adaptation, Gian does not order Nobita, Suneo, and Doraemon to find the girl after she dumps him.

See also[]
