Principal Teraodai (寺尾台校長 teraodai-kōchō) is the overarching protagonist of The Doraemons, a spin-off manga and movie special series of Doraemon, and a pivotal figure of the franchise in general. He is the principal of Robot Academy in the 22nd century. The inventor of the cat robots, and also the great grandchild of Hiroshi Teraodai (寺尾台ヒロシ Teraodai Hiroshi), the principal of Public Tsukimidai Elementary School (which appears in the main series.) He trusts in The Doraemons despite many of their bad scores in school, and often assigned tasks to them.
He is wearing a modern dress. He has grey hair and moustache.
He is known to have been smoking a lot. He is also mischevious and crafty.
The principal and Doraemon generally have a good relationship, though both can also be temperamental at times due to Doraemon and his friends' antics. He is the one who notices Doraemon's flaws compared to other cat robots of the same model and transferred Doraemon to the special class where Doraemon met his future friend. He also helped Doraemon overcame his insecurity of not having any specialty among the Doraemons by arranging him to have a soul-searching trip at one of his brothers' beach houses.
The Doraemons[]
According to the principal himself, the Doraemons are the most troublesome students he had ever taught, and this is shown in The Doraemons Special: Robot School, resulting in the school itself being destroyed several times by their antics. Nevertheless, the principal trusts in all of them, knowing that they're capable of using their knowledge and ability for good.
It is stated that he had four identical younger siblings, each with their own profession. Two of them are shown in The Doraemons and The Doraemons Special: Robot School, one as an Undersea Aquarium's owner, the other as a seaside shack and surfer shop's owner.
Doraemon members Doraemon | Dora The Kid | Wang Dora | Dora-nichov | Dora-rinho | Dora Med III | El Matadora